Don Crawford

Don Crawford

President of Crawford Broadcasting and the voice of the STAND Podcast

Israel, The Jews and Antisemitism

IT TAKES A LOT TO GET JEWS TO SHUN DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES, so says writer for the New York Post, Adam Brodsky.

It does take a lot, for traditionally, most Jews vote democratic, so say the polls. But that is changing, changing more so every day and finally for the right reasons. Far too many democrats, and democratic candidates for office are anti-Israel and consequently, more or less, antisemitic. No matter what they say, their actions speak louder than words.

So many today are pro-Palestinian, and consequently, anti-Israel, and as a result of that, anti-Jewish, antisemitic. The protestors demand that the United States not support Israel, not provide it with foreign aid, weapons, or justification, or defense of any kind. These protestors have no problem with present day Israel becoming the homeland of the Palestinians, even if Israelis are located or even extinguished. Jihadist radicals have no problem with that, and in fact, that may be their goal, for the motto is:


Israel has a population of approximately 7,250,000 people, which is less than the population of New York City, and a good many of them are not Jewish, but Arab or otherwise. The land of Israel is 8,000 sq. miles. It is 263 miles from north to south, and 71 miles at the very widest part, and only 6.2 miles at the most narrow. Israel, all of it, is approximately the size of the state of New Jersey. By contrast, surrounding nations, mostly Arab and Muslim, are huge in size geographically and in terms of population, and include Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and not far away Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia among others. Strange it is that none of these countries want to welcome the so-called Palestinians and allow them access and living in their very own countries. The Arab hatred for Israel and the Jews is far more important than the wellbeing of the Palestinians, so it seems.

Long ago, well before the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, himself of course a Jew, the God of scripture, THE GREAT GOD JEHOVAH, gave this land, this promised land to his chosen people and if you believe the Bible account of that land gift, said to Abraham, the father of the Jews:


Interestingly, Israel now occupies but a small part of that God-given gift. But the divine promise continues to exist and one day, in the providence of God, that land inheritance, all of it, will be fulfilled. If you believe the Bible and the promises made in the book of Genesis, Israel, THE PROMISED LAND, belongs to the Jews, to the descendants of Abraham, all of it.

The world ignores October 7, 2023. That was the most horrible day for Jews and antisemitism since the holocaust. Hundreds of innocent Israelis, including women and children, were slaughtered by Hamas, jihadist radicals. It is only natural that for the first time in the lives of so many Jews, they feel nervous about America as a refuge. That fear is fueled by district attorneys, like Alvin Bragg in New York City, who do nothing, do not prosecute those who assault and physically attack Jews, political candidates almost all of whom are Democrats who rail against the Jews, and Israel, champion the protestors, and the insidious movement DEI (Divestiture, Equity and Inclusion) which, at its extreme, encourages antisemitism and hatred of the Jews characterizing them and all Israelis as oppressors and colonizers. It seems as though the radical jihadists, not only Muslims but so many other ignorant individuals, entities, institutions (colleges and others) to foster this hatred of Israel and the Jews. President Biden did nothing, other than a complete about face. When Israel was attacked by Hamas October 7, 2023, Biden aggressively told the world that he and our country would protect and defend Israel and the Jews. Just before his withdrawal as Democratic Presidential Candidate for 2024, Biden showed clearly that he had reversed that position completely, supplying additional arms and aid would be suspended or reduced and he will leave office with his famous quote:


The holy day of the week for Muslims is Friday, and for the Jews Saturday, and for the Christians Sunday. Radical jihadists say the following:


Our world, which now comprises more than 8 billion people, is comprised itself of 1.7 billion Muslims, and adherence to that religion seem to grow daily.

Israel has always had a very special relationship with the United States. There are now some 2,500 US companies which do business with Israel in one form or another and employ some 72,000 Israelis according to the US Chamber of Commerce. This small nation of 7,250,000 people has the highest concentration of engineers, scientists, and technicians per capita and produces more scientific papers per capita than any other nation in the world. The economic and commercial relationship between these two countries includes IT, biotech, life sciences, healthcare solutions, energy, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, defense industries, cyber security, and aviation just to name some. Even our own armed forces benefit greatly from Israel’s innovative economy with many critical military components invented by this industrious little nation. Again, Sunday Christians, never forget that Jesus of Nazareth was Jewish!

Robert Knight, writer for the Washington Times, said the following:


Israel is the only functioning democratic republic in the Middle East, not without problems and difficulties to be sure, but the very best governmental structure in the entire Middle East and far better, more tolerant, and democratic than any other nation in that entire part of the world. Scripture requires that all who believe, all Christians, and all Jews, that the Great God Jehovah, will, as HE so plainly said, will bless those nations and individuals who bless Israel and the Jews, and conversely, curse those who persecute Israel and the Jews. Jerusalem is His holy sitting place. Israel, the land he gave to Abraham, and consequently, the rightful legal and religious heritage and inheritance of the Jewish people. That truism means that a whole lot of radical university professors, politicians, and protestors, and now an ever-growing number of businessmen and wealthy individuals will fall under the curse of Almighty God, a promise which should make them tremble in their boots.

We are urged to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, peace for Israel, America, and the whole world. The great I AM intended Abraham and the Jews to be a blessing to all humankind and all nations, and our Lord and His special emissary, the Apostle Paul, hoped and prayed for grace, peace, and mercy for all humankind, and these promises, these hopes are the only thing which can end war, hatred, killings, and bring a love and understanding to all humankind. May each of us, Jew, Gentile, and all humankind do everything possible to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, and our neighbors as ourselves, and hope and pray for the day when this DIVINE PEACE, the peace of Jerusalem and the world becomes a reality. The way this world is, and the ever growing anti-Judeo-Christian forces at work, we may have to wait until the second coming of our beloved Messiah, who perhaps, all alone, can be the only one to bring the promised:


to all of us, to all humankind.

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