Don Crawford

Don Crawford

President of Crawford Broadcasting and the voice of the STAND Podcast

The Once Great Moral Majority

There was a time, in America no less, when true evangelicals, real born-again Christians, were of great moral influence and persuasion numbering perhaps as many as 75-80 million citizens. The Moral Majority was founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell Sr. and it was indeed a powerful organization, politically, culturally, and spiritually.

But today, far from constituting a moral majority, the evangelical Christian of today finds little tolerance, much less acceptance, by their fellow citizens, many of whom are anti-Christian to the core. The shared moral ideals of old have indeed deteriorated and no longer have the priorities they once did. That includes FAITH. Real Christianity, biblical Christianity, born-again Christianity is ridiculed or ignored by the IMMORAL MAJORITY of today’s culture. The concept and value of FAMILY are torn apart and the governments of today substitute foreign and often godless concepts and meanings which attack and depreciate traditional values and definitions. Freedom, once a burning priority, now hangs in the balance, watered down by legislation, indifference, and constant attacks on our constitution.

Especially within the last decade, faithful, biblical Christians have witnessed ideological disintegration of trusted religious institutions. That has resulted in an incredible cultural compromise. Conduct and behavior that was once forbidden is now not only allowed but encouraged. So much of the freedoms Americans take for granted was relinquished during the pandemic and even church attendance, the freedom of assembly and religious worship, was also forbidden by government action.

That sense of compromise and indifference even permeated the church pulpits. Church after church, pastor after pastor, seceded to the demands of an anti-Christian culture, accepting compromise and change to traditional and long accepted Christian tenets and the gospel message, once proudly preached, was seldom heard in one denomination after another. So many American pulpits fell silent, fearing retribution or alienation.

Many Christian believers witnessed evangelical leaders’ quart secular acclaim by compromising on conservative Christian values and, like the false prophets predicted, preached a foreign gospel or none at all. Strong Christian values that contributed to American strength and vitality but were recast by these false prophets, outmoded and second class. New concepts, often man-made were formed to water down traditional biblical concepts of salvation, born-again, faith and works, and so much more. Those believers who held fast to strong biblical principles and concepts were often depicted as “violent enemies of democracy” because they failed to recognize, accept, and give credence to the priorities and beliefs of the anti-Christian majority which seemed to be taking place in America.

Consequently, so many Christians abandoned the world of politics in their very own country. In a recent survey by the respected George Barna, more than half of the Christians surveyed reported that they did not pay much attention at all to political news, which would inevitably be essential to understanding the issues most relevant to believers. As a result, an estimated 7 million evangelicals in swing states did not participate in the 2020 presidential election. Had they done so, results would have been entirely different up and down the ballots. Barna estimates as a result of the conclusions of that survey that shockingly:



Even if they did, those evangelicals not paying attention to news and information about politics and government were in so many cases incapable of making informed, educated, voting decisions.

The one presidential candidate who addressed the Christian audiences, spoke to the issues which concerned Christians, and otherwise collaborated with the National Religious Broadcasters was Donald Trump. Trump addressed in positive ways, the issues which really concern Christians including freedom of expression (First Amendment, Speech and Press), prayer in schools, homeschooling, America’s support for Israel, and the role of religion in public life. No other candidate for president did so. In fact, the Left has extended no hand of friendship to born-again believers. The Left has in fact elevated “unlimited abortion” as the non-negotiable priority of their policy agenda. No true Christian can tolerate such a position, and it leads to the question:


Further, and disturbingly so, many Christians will not vote for a candidate whose personality they find offensive. Many for example do not personally like Donald Trump and even though his policies are more akin to their beliefs, they will not vote for him. Many will also not vote for a candidate whose private life they do not like. Many use that excuse not to vote for Trump, at least for now a convicted felon. Perhaps even more do not like the way Trump communicates, speaks, and finding his public image objectionable, will not vote for him. What a tragic loss for America, for Trump and the republican party champion values and decision making which is far more akin to Christian values and positions than their democratic counterparts. The withdrawal and non-involvement of Christians and Christian voters is indeed tragic for America. Real Christians, many believe, have no choice but to vote for Trump and the Republican party and its candidates if they wish traditional America and traditional American values to remain.

Real evangelical Christians must thoroughly examine the records of candidates on the critical issues, including:

1) immigration and illegal immigration (the border)

2) pro-family policies

3) religious freedom (the Constitution and the First Amendment)

4) national security

5) federal spending and the incredible American debt

6) the economy and inflation (pricing)

7) parental rights (in the world of the transgender)

8) conscience protections

9) America’s support for Israel

Christian voters must also consider the regulatory overreach of the Federal Government and the disastrous fiscal policy which the democratic government has adopted and utilized and what some believe is the weaponization of government against private citizens, including and especially people of faith.

Christian radio, and I am proud to say the Crawford Broadcasting Co., devote much of their broadcast time, finances and concerns in programming which seriously address the concerns of Christians today and our beloved America at large. So many of us, who love our America, are deeply concerned with what is happening in all facets of our great country, and we are determined to make a difference, to educate all people including and especially Christian believers, real evangelicals, and encourage them to do their

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