Many believe the Biden administration, happily and now an historical footnote, fostered an anti-Christian approach to politics, culture, and lifestyle generally. That was so even though Biden was a self-proclaiming Catholic Christian.
In the Biden administration, there really were none in high positions who were publicly confessing Christians. That of course, under the Trump administration, has significantly changed, and changed for the better. There are those in leadership in America now who come to their awesome responsibilities as public citizens and representatives of WE THE PEOPLE with a biblical influence in their lives, even an outright Christian testimony. What a blessing that is for America, for Christianity, and for:
for all Americans, the FIRST AMENDMENT really at work!
I do hope and pray that you know by heart, by memory, those First Amendment freedoms. They include and especially so:
The freedom to practice any religion of choice. Or, none at all. Your call. But there can be no restriction on religious freedom and worship of any kind, so says the First Amendment. Let people believe and worship as they please. We The Christians, born again, evangelical, denominational, Roman Catholic, are free not only to worship as we please, but to believe as we please. Few countries in this modern age allow that, and so many nations abridge that freedom, attack it, attempt to control it, or even eliminate it. Not so with the Trump administration. Trump has pledged to reinvigorate the old Christian America, to respect Christianity and all its forms, and to make absolutely certain that there is no persecution, disrespect, or attempts to control this precious faith.
And the same for Jews. Antisemitism is on the rise, one of the most ugly things in the entire history of mankind and now even resurrected today. So many politicos, academics, and even many in business and higher up in corporations turn a blind eye or actually foster antisemitism. That will all end under the Trump administration. Amen to that.
And there is absolute freedom to worship for all other religions, including Islam, the Hindu religion, and any other legitimate religion. That is the American promise, the Constitutional guarantee, that sacred Frist Amendment freedom and it will be respected more than ever, more than under the administration of Obama or Biden, as the Constitution has always promised.
That beloved First Amendment also guarantees freedom of speech and press. More than ever, that will be reinvigorated and protected. Both such freedoms are absolutely essential with regard to the full and free practice of religion.
And the same for the other First Amendment freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, namely freedom of assembly and freedom of petition. Churches, gatherings, services, the congregations of people in worship can feel the old constitutional freedoms under the Trump administration more than ever. Amen to that. Make it happen President Donald J. Trump, MAKE IT HAPPEN!
DEFENSE. Our Department of Defense needs change, even radical change back. It has become woke, socialized, racially concerned, all to the detriment of its clear and primary priority and mission, namely, the development and growth of the greatest military, army, navy, and marines, and more, that the world has ever known. We need an aggressive, remade and revitalized Department of Defense and branches of the military. We have threats to our great country like never before, threats from China, especially China in this modern day and age, and our old nemesis Russia, and North Korea, a rising nuclear power, and of course Iran, which literally hates the Great Satan, the America we love. All four and more would love to see the end of America and given the right circumstances, whether all-out war, or terrorism, or limited combat, they are ready, hatred brimming, to destroy America or as much of it as they can.
Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth, intends to change the department, bring in new leadership, develop meaningful financial budgets and the support of Congress and develop the weapons, offensive and defensive, which our country desperately needs, especially to keep pace with China. It seems inevitable that we will have warfare of some sort with China sometime in the future, perhaps the near future.
We, America, must be ready!
THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM. More than ever judges at any level of the federal judiciary and all the way up to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will play an important and primary role in the development of the philosophy, policies, and future of our country. There are many, very many, judgeships unfilled and can be filled by the appointments of the president of the United States. President Trump intends to do just that. He is well aware of the need to appoint judges and the right kind of judges, fair thinking judges who will make the right decisions for America. In the first Trump administration, 2017-2021, Trump nominated three Supreme Court justices, all were confirmed by the Senate, and all were fair minded or conservative leaning. They were the outstanding scholars including:
- Neil Gorsuch
- Anthony Kennedy
- Amy Coney Barrett
Much litigation will be decided by the Supreme Court, critical for America, and there will be many emergency hearings on the basis of critical and immediate need of our country, which will be decided upon by the Supreme Court in short order. Trump has issued dozens of Executive Orders, many are being challenged by liberals, radicals, and democrats, and the Supreme Court will be more active with emergency hearings perhaps than in any other administration. We can only hope for fair results, for the vast majority of those executive orders are exactly what America needs, they are legal, thorough, and they create the change-back which again, our country desperately needs. We were under Biden on a pathway to Socialism, even Marxism, and so many of these executive orders put a stop to so much of that. I say Amen to that, and I trust you do as well. What do you think of the first six weeks in office of Donald J. Trump?
Franklin Graham, the marvelous evangelical evangelist and pastor, son of perhaps the greatest evangelist ever in the history of America, Billy Graham, prays himself that President Trump will surround himself with men and women who will give him Godly counsel and advice, and urges us, we the Christian people of America, to do the very same. I do hope and pray that you will. President Trump will be challenged the world over, and especially by China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. But Trump is tough, no nonsense, determined, and not at all intimidated, and no nation or foreign leader will intimidate him no matter what they do. As world events unfold in the next four years, WE THE PEOPLE should both:
We should follow the advice of the Apostle Paul in I Timothy 2:1-3, where this God-sent apostle admonishes us as follows:
So, my fellow Christians, prayers. And intercessions. And giving of thanks. So that WE THE PEOPLE may lead a quiet and peaceable life, and be assured of the rights in the Constitution which are justly ours. Why? Because this is good, says Paul, and not only acceptable in the sight of God our savior, but what this God, our Lord Jesus Christ wants for us.
So, my fellow Americans, pray for President Trump, and all who advise him, all of our leaders, secretaries of various departments, our Congress, House, and Senate, our courts and our Supreme Court, pray for all of them. Pray for anyone who is in authority and who works for us. Pray that the wisdom of God Almighty will guide President Trump and all political others so that America can be great again. Pray that the promises of Donald J. Trump will be fulfilled that indeed, the four years of the second Trump administration will: