Don Crawford

Don Crawford

President of Crawford Broadcasting and the voice of the STAND Podcast

Leading – the Characteristics of a Leader

What makes a leader?

Is a leader born, born with those natural leadership qualities, or is a leader made, made by experience, trial and error?

A leader surely is one who steps up, steps forward, takes charge, one who recognizes the opportunity to provide direction, encouragement.

A leader is surely one who is not afraid to make decisions, take risks, and in extreme cases, be willing to risk life and limb for what he or she believes is right.

A pastor, for example, takes charge. He speaks with voice strong, courageous, especially when those words come from the Lord who has promised to those who love him:


A leader should surely have perfected the art of:


Surely for the Christian, one should listen for the direction, the guidance, the wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. The meaning of the words is then magnified, and they contain the wisdom of the Lord rather than that of a man.

A leader is strong, courageous, not afraid. A real leader knows that God has not given him or her the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. That loving, sound mind, divinely created, is perhaps the strongest evidence of a real leader.

A mother is a real leader, the captain of the children which God has given her. She trains them, this female leader does, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. She instructs, disciplines, sets standards and values, and by her words and actions, cultivates love and respect not only for her, but for all women, for all humankind.

The values she conveys are strong Christian values, clear standards of right and wrong, and no one in the household in which she is THE LEADER deviates from those standards. She lives those standards by example. She shows her faith by her deeds and her words always have value and meaning. No household, no husband or wife relationship, no father or mother at work can be all that they can be without the leadership of a mother, a true, loving, god-fearing mother.

A true leader is creative. A plumber analyzes a problem and fixes a toilet. Every true blue collar person at work is creative, a leader, a problem solver, a fixer, taking charge of that situation and making it right. Fixing a broken toilet is leadership at work and that God-given ability can translate to every part of that man or woman’s life. Plumbers are leaders. Carpenters are leaders. Mechanics are leaders. Daycare workers are leaders. Doctors and nurses are leaders. They possess those God-given qualities which can translate to all of life in so many ways.

It should be the task of every man and woman to understand themselves, to analyze their strengths, capabilities, creativity, and understand all the ways in life, everyday life, how they make decisions, take charge, fix problems, and lead. Every single individual God created possesses significant leadership qualities and no one, no matter their calling, career, or life’s work, should ever be disrespected, and perhaps more importantly, never disrespect themselves.

A true leader is loyal. Faithful is he or she in everything.

A true leader is honest. Integrity rules their every thought, word, and deed.

A true leader is positive, knowing that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord. In a negative, often evil world, the positive, make-it-right attitude, approach and conduct proves to all that this man or woman is in fact a true leader.

We are all born with those characteristics. They are inherent, God-given. Unfortunately, so few are recognized or ever developed. But they can be by the experiences of life, from the challenges, the difficulties, the problems which every human being will face. The true character of every person will be challenged in so many ways as life goes on. Our courage and commitment will be challenged. That is especially so if we are spiritually minded, Christian at heart, standing tall and uncompromising for the Lord Jesus Christ we love. Leaders are always at work in little things not just large. Real leaders make leadership decisions in every aspect of life, every day in every way. They follow the example of their Lord, who promised, as our shepherd, that he would lead us in the paths of righteousness, that we would fear no evil, that goodness and mercy would follow us all the days of our lives, and that we should live by those promises.

That very same leader from Nazareth promised that He would guide us with his eye upon us, and in every life situation, bring out the best in us. Trust that, ask for that, believe in that.

You, everyone, were given these strong leadership qualities. You can be a leader in these paths of righteousness and make every person an opportunity in your life better. Believe in yourself. Bring out the best in you, always. Pray for His wisdom, strength, and courage. And you will be all

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