Years ago, there were few millionaires. Then there were many.
But today, to be a mere millionaire is rather commonplace. The new financial and political power players are:
And there are many who are indeed political power players, using their extreme wealth to create influence and advance their political points of view and philosophies.
Our founding fathers were concerned about the influence of the wealthy, both politically and economically. The Constitution was designed to give a voice to the wealthy (the United States Senate) but also, a very significant voice to the American public, the less wealthy, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. In fact, the Constitution empowered THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to control and initiate budget, to be the prime mover in setting economic and fiscal policies for the federal government. THE HOUSE CONTROLLED THE PURSE! If it did its job, it could counterbalance the power of the Senate and even the Presidency itself. Money is power and money can be used to create and implement power, and money, extreme money, the money of billionaires, can rule much of America.
Congress placed limitations on the wealthy, the amount of money which could be contributed openly to candidates, a good thing. But a large loophole was left open allowing unlimited funds to be invested and spent on so-called issues, issue advertising, and issue funding which the wealth, the extreme wealthy and the billionaires took advantage of. In fact, the Biden campaign of 2020 was able to raise the staggering sum of $1 Billion Dollars to be spent on Biden-Democratic election necessities and even more than a billion dollars was raised for the Biden-Harris election campaign of 2024. The hundreds of millions of dollars contributed in 2020 may have been effective in the Biden election, but all the money, more than a billion dollars in 2024 made little difference as the Biden-Harris campaign, no matter the money and the investment in that political campaign, was soundly defeated by both the popular vote and the electoral college determinations as well. Perhaps even money, extreme money, has its limitations.
Conservative analyst and author, Alexander Marlow, identifies the top six billionaire supporters, donors and givers to the Biden campaign 2024. He refers to them as:
The first is Dustin Moskovitz. Moskovitz has a net worth of:
Absolutely unbelievable, don’t you think? Moskovitz was the co-founder of Facebook. He has become one of the major power brokers on the institutional left and the Democratic party. He gave some $50 million dollars in the 2020 election cycle and even more in the 2024 election. Moskovitz now has a “seat at the political table” and he had the ear of the administration in the critical formative years 2020-2024 when it came to tech policy, and especially, the development of artificial intelligence (AI). Many of the Moskovitz staffers were writing and shaping AI regulations, which were adopted by the Biden administration. Had Biden won elections 2024, Moskovitz with his billions of dollars, would have been an unbelievable power player, especially in the area of tech and AI. Thankfully, Biden lost and so did Moskovitz.
And then there is Eric Schmidt. Schmidt has a net worth of:
Absolutely incredible and unbelievable that one man can control such incredible wealth.
Schmidt spent 20 years as the head of Google and its holding company Alphabet, holding the titles of CEO and Executive Chairman. Google gave more than $11 million dollars to Democrat political causes and Alphabet, since its founding, has given $59 million dollars, almost all of which went to Democrats and Democratic purposes, and spent the unbelievable sum of $119 million dollars in lobby expenditures, lobbying the federal government. Schmidt was the major player in AI development and played a significant role in the campaign of Joe Biden 2024. His money, influence, and political involvement were of little use in the end as the Biden-Harris ticket suffered a resounding defeat.
And then there is Jeffrey Katzenberg, he not quite a billionaire, only with a net worth of $900 million dollars. Katzenberg was an aggressive proponent of the Biden-Harris Democratic nominees for president and vice-president, and Katzenberg told the FINANCIAL TIMES that he would pledge Biden all the resources he needed to win reelection in 2024. That pledge and all that money and all that Katzenberg (George Clooney) influence came to naught, did it not? The man of the people, Joe Biden, referred to Jeffrey Katzenberg as follows:
“I have a lot of assets in my campaign (said Biden) but none more consequential than Jeffrey Katzenberg.”
And boy oh boy did Jeffrey Katzenberg cash in. Structuring a deal with the Chinese Communist Party leader to create a Chinese Hollywood!
And then there is Laurene Powell Jobs with a net worth of:
So much for mere millionaires. She is the widow of Apple cofounder, Steve Jobs, and one of the richest women in the world, and one of the most powerful people in Democratic politics and media. She is almost as much a part of the Democratic machine as Joe Biden himself. The various corporations she controls, profit and nonprofit, has provided jobs for Biden and Obama administration officials when they leave the office of politics. She is the close friend of former Vice President Kamala Harris and has visited the White House ten times during the Biden administration, a sign of her very strong political influence. Money talks big time in terms of the political ambitions of this extremely wealthy lady.
And then there is Reid Hoffman, he with a net worth of:
Hoffman was the founder of PayPal and cofounded LinkedIn. Hoffman has become one of the most prolific funders of Democrats in the country. Many view him as the most connected man in Silicon Valley. Hoffman and his venture capital firm has made 8 figure contributions to Democrat PACS and interest groups in recent elections and LinkedIn and Microsoft donate almost exclusively to Democrats.
Hoffman has stated that the United States should emulate the Chinese Communist Regime and has regular summit meetings with the leader of the Communist Chinese Party.
And then there is George Soros. Some have described Soros as the most evil man in the world, anti-American, anti-Christian, and anti-religion in every way. Soros is worth some:
He funds Democrat, radical, liberal, and woke organizations exclusively, in addition to forming his own. Soros promotes leftwing ideology and there are those who believe that Soros works at least behind the scenes for the eventual destruction of America itself.
And then there is Tom Steyer. Steyer is a very successful hedge fund manager worth billions of dollars. He has influenced Biden and his administration through and including January 25 on Climate Change, advocating for the halting of drilling permits and the blocking of pipelines and held strong influence over Biden and Harris in the years 2021-2025.
And then there is Elon Musk. He endorsed Donald Trump for President. Musk is:
Musk is worth the staggering sum of:
That is almost one half trillion dollars in net worth. It is unbelievable and extremely difficult to understand that much wealth, and that much wealth held by one individual. That wealth and business success of Musk got the full attention of President Trump and immediately upon his election, he appointed Musk as the head of the newly created department of:
He has commissioned Musk to do away with waste, inefficiency, sloth, and even fraud in the federal government, with the ultimate financial goal of saving by elimination and cutbacks, the staggering sum of:
And Musk believes that can be accomplished. Trump regards Musk as brilliant, not only as a businessman but an intelligence which is political and social in addition to economic. Many wonder whether or not Musk would have ever drawn the attention of Trump or gotten the very special and newly created appointment he received, were it not for the fact that he was such a wealthy and successful businessman. Again, wealth opened eyes and doors.
Money, the old saying goes, is the root of all evil. At least it can be. They say that virtually every person has his or her PRICE. That at a certain time and under very special circumstances, anyone or anything can be bought. Money is power indeed and when it is used for good, it is fully justified no matter the amount. Unfortunately, so much of the wealth in America is used by individuals for the wrong purposes, for power, for fame, for influence, and for personal gain. Nothing is more destructive than money at work for the wrong purposes. NOTHING. It is interesting indeed that money, spent so lavishly in the 2024 elections, proved of little benefit to Democrats and it is questionable how much value and influence it had for Republicans. Perhaps the American people, WE THE PEOPLE, the common, ordinary, average American citizens and voters have learned a financial lesson. Hopefully, we have learned that no matter how rich the individual or how lavishly money is spent, it cannot be used to buy our votes, our values, our thinking, and our love for and belief in the one-of-a-kind America. If WE THE PEOPLE learn that lesson in elections 2024, it will be the most important thing in MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. If our votes can not be bought, election processes will purify and the individual vote of every American citizen will be far more potent than any amount of money. Only then, ONLY THEN, will in fact: