You the Citizen – The Vote
POLITICIANS LIE! All of them. Do you know of any politician at any level of government who tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, all the…
POLITICIANS LIE! All of them. Do you know of any politician at any level of government who tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, all the…
IT TAKES A LOT TO GET JEWS TO SHUN DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES, so says writer for the New York Post, Adam Brodsky. It does take a lot, for traditionally, most Jews…
IT’S THE ECONOMY, STUPID! Those were the famous words of former president Bill Clinton when asked what the most important issue was in Presidential Election 1992. Clinton was right, at…
OWE NO MAN NOTHING! So says the scripture. Good advice, not only spiritual wisdom, but secular as well. Debt, unrepayable, with its pressure and tension, ruins everyone and everything. That…
I had three uncles who were Methodist ministers. They so very faithfully served parishes in the state of New Jersey. They were men who were strong Christians, biblical Christians, born-again…
FREEDOM! We are, America is, the home, the land of the: BRAVE AND THE FREE. We are lovers of freedom. It is, you could say, in our genes. We inherited…
In Revolutionary times, Thomas Paine said the following: “These are the times that try men’s souls”. And indeed these are the times that try women’s souls, some at least now…
It is becoming difficult to know what a man is, that is the definition of a real man in this woke society of ours. The definition of a man seems…
Two kinds of fathers are there. The one Heavenly, the other earthly. The Lord of Glory, the Carpenter of Nazareth said: “I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE.” What a claim.…
Education in America is in one sad state. Even in some cases, Christian education succumbs to secular pressure, woke-radical influence, even anti-American and anti-Christian influence but, thankfully for the most…