The Truth

Do you tell your spouse the truth? ALWAYS? That would be the whole truth and nothing but the truth, do you? When you communicate with spouse or children, or any…

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Up the carpenter went to Jerusalem, a very special man soon to be crucified and then, in mighty triumph, wondrously resurrected from the dead. He dined with his disciples, a…

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The Cross

That, says the scriptures, THE CROSS is an: OFFENSE. The meaning, the thought, the application of the cross is indeed an offense to the NATURAL MAN. That is, the man…

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The Nones

What a joy it is to be a Christian, a real Christian. A biblically based Christian. A Christian who believes as a life-long credo: FOR BY GRACE ARE YOU SAVED…

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Study Thinking

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Study to show yourself approved unto God. Workmen and workwomen who know what they’re talking about, know what and in whom they have believed, and consequently are not ashamed because…

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  • Post category:The Stand

The greatest of all things is LOVE. The greatest, says the Apostle Paul, agreed upon by the world’s greatest thinkers, artists and poets is: LOVE Love is best. The Bible…

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