The land that I love, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I and I pray you will stand beside her, and will do everything in my power to guide her with…
The land that I love, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I and I pray you will stand beside her, and will do everything in my power to guide her with…
The greatest of all things is LOVE. The greatest, says the Apostle Paul, agreed upon by the world’s greatest thinkers, artists and poets is: LOVE Love is best. The Bible…
President Obama repeatedly sells his proposed tax increases as a tax on the rich only. He defines the rich as singles earning over $200,000 per year and couples earning over…
University students faced with a sudden Internet and Media blackout begin to feel withdrawal symptoms after 24 hours. That according to a study conducted by the University of Maryland’s International…
There is another King we should know and remember. Her name is Dr. Alveda King, the niece of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King. She, a Christian and patriot, is…
Love of country, says the Patriot, marks a man. The question for every citizen is how much love, and what kind of love should one have for country? The love…
Seldom do those who take STANDS as I do receive compliments. Those who agree move on. Those who do not make noise. Recently, a woman who listens to our great…
There came in 1776 a document fundamental, even sacred to the American people which our Founding Fathers and its author, Thomas Jefferson, called: THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. That document was…
America is beautiful, incredibly beautiful, no matter its problems. Many, including me, think it is the greatest nation in all of the history of mankind. America is exceptional, and we…
What is a Jew? What does the word Jew really mean? What do Jews really believe, and really stand for? What exactly in this rapidly growing anti-Semitic world does it…