Two kinds of fathers are there. The one Heavenly, the other earthly. The Lord of Glory, the Carpenter of Nazareth said: “I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE.” What a claim.…
Two kinds of fathers are there. The one Heavenly, the other earthly. The Lord of Glory, the Carpenter of Nazareth said: “I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE.” What a claim.…
If you were born, human being created by God Almighty, between the years 1997-2012 you are a member, like it or not, of the newest generation in America: GEN Z.…
In 1971, Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday to be celebrated on the last Monday in May, echoing the words and sentiments of the proclamation of General John A.…
You matter to God Almighty. You matter perhaps far more than you know. You are: UNIQUE, one-of-a-kind, special, individual with different and better talents, capabilities, and above all: POTENTIAL. There…
We made it my fellow Americas. We made it alive and living in the greatest country ever in the history of mankind as we begin the third decade of the…
With God, all things are possible. ALL THINGS! Even an event like THE VIRGIN BIRTH. Some 2,000 years ago, an angel was sent by God to the tiny town of Nazareth in…
He was born of a virgin, so we are told. The angel of the Lord visited Mary and divine conception occurred, so we are told. The virgin birth is difficult…
Now comes Christmas where we celebrate: THE BABE OF BETHLEHEM. Loving, unique, divine this babe was, one of a kind. Our Jesus born in Bethlehem was a: JEW. He was…
Do you know what socialism is? Are you a socialist or do you have a certain socialistic thinking and belief system? We are told that there are new millions of…
We the people so privileged to live in America have so much to be thankful for. God has allowed us to live in the greatest nation in human history, in…