Hate or Love
THE BIBLE IS HATE SPEECH! Those were the words of an atheistic, radical, Marxist progressive, deep within the democratic party who has an aggressive hatred for the Bible, for…
THE BIBLE IS HATE SPEECH! Those were the words of an atheistic, radical, Marxist progressive, deep within the democratic party who has an aggressive hatred for the Bible, for…
BE OF GOOD CHEER. Are you a cheerful person? Do you tend in personality to the positive rather than the negative? Do you see the glass half full rather…
Scriptures tell us very clearly, Old and New Testaments that the world in which we live, our beloved planet Earth will END. All we know and experience, all we assume…
We the Christians believe that the Bible, the Holy Bible is the inspired word of God. It is for us: THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY. All 66 books of…
He’s black! That should be a good thing today, but this particular African American also happens to be conservative. I refer to Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, a…
We are, America is, the home, the land of the: BRAVE AND THE FREE. We are lovers of freedom. It is, you could say, in our genes. We…
Few know or care about Article VI of the Constitution. But any person of faith, whatever the belief, should know about the content of this very special constitutional provision and…
Two kinds of fathers are there. The one Heavenly, the other earthly. The Lord of Glory, the Carpenter of Nazareth said: “I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE.”…
“What is happening in America really scares me!” Those were the words of a listener to The Stand. It should indeed scare this good Christian lady who wrote, and…
Freedom of Religion is the first freedom in the First Amendment of the very first and most brilliant freedom document ever written by mankind. Nobody and nothing can legally…