Your Vote
You are going to vote in Elections 2018, are you not? November 6, a fateful Tuesday for America comes soon. Are you ready to vote? Do you know the parties?…
You are going to vote in Elections 2018, are you not? November 6, a fateful Tuesday for America comes soon. Are you ready to vote? Do you know the parties?…
Here they come, Elections 2018. Only some two weeks left my fellow Americans before these critical Elections occur. And, boy oh boy, are they ever critical. The fate of the…
There are 100 United States senators, two from each of our 50 grand and glorious states. These 100 individuals, politicos, power brokers exercise and have at their disposal some of…
The growth in number of opioid overdoses in 2017 increased by more than 30% overdoses episodes in 2016. 30% more virulent even deadly uses of opioids. This horrific report from…
“Politics as trench warfare has relieved the Democrats of the burden of thought.” Those are the words of Daniel Henninger, writer for the Wall Street Journal, commenting on the Brett…
Congress shall make no law which in any way abridges the Freedom of Religion, or speech (religious speech), or press (religious press or media): NONE AT ALL Those are the…
“I am the luckiest person on earth. I feel that way even now as I prepare for the end of my life. I have loved my life, all of it. …
17 years ago, we the people were attacked and confronted as a nation by militant, Islamic terrorists. Our very own World Trade Center, centers of business and commerce and symbols…
Do you vote? Do you? Are you concerned with who runs America, those individuals who make critical life decisions for you and me, our friends and families? Do you know…
Work is good. Work is necessary for the fulfillment of every human being. Work is required of every person according to his or her capabilities and talents, so sayeth the…