Be Ready
Liberty University is a special place. Many think it is the finest Christian educational institute in our entire country. It is competitive, Liberty is, with any university in America in…
Liberty University is a special place. Many think it is the finest Christian educational institute in our entire country. It is competitive, Liberty is, with any university in America in…
The once great state of California used to be the land of the brave and the free. California championed the freedoms of our great Constitution including and especially the first…
FREEDOM! We are, America is, the home, the land of the: BRAVE AND THE FREE. We are lovers of freedom. It is, you could say, in our genes. We inherited…
Abortion is killing. Abortion is murder. So think I. What do you think? Christians are often accused of being far too abortion conscious, concerned more with life in the womb…
It is nothing more than a lie, this so called Progressive Christianity, so say so many true Christian leaders today. And a big one, A BIG LIE. So called Progressive…
Two kinds of fathers are there. The one Heavenly, the other earthly. The Lord of Glory, the Carpenter of Nazareth said: “I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE.” What a claim.…
There are attacks, more aggressive than ever, against faith, family and freedom. Aggressive attacks, without compromise, hateful and destructive against all things Judeo–Christian and conservative. As a result, there is…
There is a very special organization dedicated to the preservation and advancement of faith, and the family, and the freedoms we Americans enjoy under our Constitution. That organization is: THE…
In 1971, Congress declared Memorial Day a national holiday to be celebrated on the last Monday in May, echoing the words and sentiments of the proclamation of General John A.…
There is in our country, my fellow Americans, an epidemic. A most serious, potentially deadly epidemic. No matter what we do as a country or people, it only gets worse.…